Photovoltaic modeling handbook / edited by Monika Freunek Müller. - 1 online resource. - Advances in hydrogen production and storage .

Includes bibliographical references and index.


1. Introduction
1 Monika Freunek (Muller) References
2. Fundamental Limits of Solar Energy Conversion
7 Thorsten Trupke and Peter Wurfel 2.1. Introduction 2.2. The Carnot Efficiency - A Realistic Limit for PV Conversion? 2.3. Solar Cell Absorbers - Converting Heat into Chemical 2.4. No Junction Required - The IV Curve of a Uniform Absorber 2.5. Limiting Efficiency Calculations 2.6. Real Solar Cell Structures 2.7. Beyond the Shockley Queisser Limit 2.8. Summary and Conclusions Acknowledgement References
3. Optical Modeling of Photovoltaic Modules Carsten Schinke, Malte R.Vogt, and Karsten Bothe 3.1. Introduction 3.1.1. Terminology 3.1.2. Simulation object 3.1.3. Photon (Light ray) 3.1.4. Light source 3.1.5. Simulation domain 3.1.6. Simulation scene 3.1.7. Photon marker 3.1.8. Surface effects with Ray Tracing Simulations
27 3.1.9. Boundary conditions
32 3.1.10. Photon shifters
32 3.2. Basics of Optical Ray Tracing Simulations
32 3.2.1. Ray Optics
32 Basic Assumptions
33 Absorption of Light
33 Refraction of Light at Interfaces
34 Modeling of Thin Films
35 3.2.2. Ray Tracing
37 3.2.3. Monte-Carlo Particle Tracing
38 3.2.4. Statistical Uncertainty of Monte-Carlo Results
40 3.2.5. Generating Random Numbers with Non-Uniform Distributions
42 3.3. Modeling Illumination
46 3.3.1. Basic Light Sources
46 3.3.2. Modeling Realistic Illumination Conditions
48 Preprocessing of Irradiance Data
49 Implementation for Ray Tracing
50 Application Example
52 3.4. Specific Issues for Ray Tracing of Photovoltaic Modules
53 3.4.1. Geometries and Symmetries in PV Devices
55 3.4.2. Multi-Domain Approach
57 Module domain
59 Front Finger Domain
60 Front Texture Domain
60 Rear Side Domains
61 3.4.3. Post processing of Simulation Results
61 3.4.4. Ray Tracing Application Examples
64 Validation of Simulation Results
64 Optical Loss Analysis: From Cell to Module
66 Bifacial Solar Cells and Modules
68 3.5. From Optics to Power Output
69 3.5.1. Calculation Chain: From Ray Tracing to Module Power Output
70 Inclusion of the Irradiation Spectrum
73 Calculation of Module Output Power
74 Outlook: Energy Yield Calculation
75 3.5.2. Application Examples
76 Calculation of Short Circuit Current and Power Output
76 Current Loss Analysis: Standard Testing Conditions vs. Field Conditions
79 3.6. Overview of Optical Simulation Tools for PV Devices
80 3.6.1. Analysis of Solar Cells
80 3.6.2. Analysis of PV Modules and Their Surrounding
82 3.6.3. Further Tools Which Are not Publicly Available
82 Acknowledgments
85 References
4 Optical Modelling and Simulations of Thin-Film Silicon Solar Cells
93 Janez Krc, Martin Sever, Benjamin Lipovsek, Andrej Campa and Marko Topic 4.1. Introduction
94 4.2. Approaches of Optical Modelling
95 4.2.1. One-Dimensional Optical Modelling
96 4.2.2. Two- and Three-Dimensional Rigorous Optical Modelling
97 4.2.3. Challenges in Optical Modelling
97 4.3. Selected Methods and Approaches
98 4.3.1. Finite Element Method
98 4.3.2. Coupled Modelling Approach
100 4.4. Examples of Optical Modelling and Simulations
102 4.4.1. Texture Optimization Applying Spatial Fourier Analysis
103 4.4.2. Model of Non-Conformal Layer Growth
110 4.4.3. Optical Simulations of Tandem Thin-Film Silicon Solar Cell
118 4.5. The Role of Illumination Spectrum
129 4.6. Conclusion
133 Acknowledgement
134 References
5 Modelling of Organic Photovoltaics
5.1. Introduction to Organic Photovoltaics
141 5.2. Performance of Organic Photovoltaics
143 5.3. Charge Transport in Organic Semiconductors
145 5.4. Energetic Disorder in Organic Semiconductors
150 5.5. Morphology of Organic Materials
153 5.6. Considerations for Photovoltaics
155 5.6.1. Excitons in Organic Semiconductors
155 5.6.2. Optical Absorption in Organic Photovoltaics
160 5.6.3. Carrier Harvesting in Organic Photovoltaics
161 5.7. Simulation Methods of Organic Photovoltaics
163 5.7.1. Lattice Morphologies and Device Geometry
163 5.7.2. Gaussian Disorder Model
164 5.7.3. Kinetic Monte Carlo Methods
164 5.7.4. Electrostatic Interactions
168 5.7.5. Neighbour Lists
169 5.8. Considerations When Modelling Organic Photovoltaics
169 5.8.1. The Next Steps for OPV Modelling
171 Acknowledgements
172 References
6 Modeling the Device Physics of Chalcogenide Thin Film Solar Cells
177 Nima E. Gorji and Lindsay Kuhn 6.1. Introduction
177 6.2. Kosyachenko's Approach: Carrier Transport
178 6.3. Demtsu-Sites Approach: Double-Diode Model
181 6.4. Kosyachenko's Approach: Optical Loss Modeling
184 6.5. Karpov's Approach
186 6.6. Conclusion
187 Acknowledgements
188 References
7 Temperature and Irradiance Dependent Efficiency Model for GaInP-GaInAs-Ge Multijunction Solar Cells
191 Monika Freunek Mueller, Bruno Michel and Harold J. Hovel 7.1. Motivation
191 7.2. Efficiency Model
196 7.3. Results And Discussion
209 7.4. Conclusions
211 7.5. Acknowledgments
211 References
212 Appendix: Shockley-Queisser-Modell Calculations
8 Variation of Output with Environmental Factors
217 Youichi Hirata, Yuzuru Ueda, Shinichiro Oke and Naotoshi Sekiguchi 8.1. Conversion Efficiency and Standard Test Conditions (STC)
218 8.2. Variation of I-V curve with Each Environmental Factor
218 8.2.1. Irradiance
219 8.2.2. Cell Temperature
221 8.2.3. Spectral Response
222 8.3. Example of Measurement of Spectral Distribution of Solar Radiation
222 8.3.1. Example of Changes with Weather
223 8.3.2. Spectral Variation with Season
225 8.3.3. Effect of Variation in Spectral Solar Radiation
226 8.4. Irradiance
227 8.5. Effects on Performance of PV Modules/Cells
229 8.5.1. System Configurations and Measurements
229 8.5.2. Evaluation Methods
231 Performance Ratio
231 Effective Array Peak Power of PV Systems
233 8.5.3. Measurement Results
233 Performance Ratios
233 Degradation Rates
234 8.6. Cell Temperature
236 8.6.1. Output Energy by Temperature Coefficient
236 8.6.2. Output Energy with Different Installation Method
237 8.7. Results for Concentrated Photovoltaics
239 8.7.1. Introduction
239 8.7.2. Field Test of a CPV Module
239 8.7.3. Decline of Efficiency of the Early-Type CPV Module
239 8.7.4. Influences of the Degradation
241 Acknowledgments
243 References
9 Modeling of Indoor Photovoltaic Devices Monika Freunek (Muller) 9.1. Introduction
245 9.1.1. Brief History of IPV
246 9.1.2. Characteristics of IPV Modeling
247 9.2. Indoor Radiation
248 9.2.1. Modeling Indoor Spectral Irradiance
250 9.3. Maximum Efficiencies
251 9.3.1. Intensity effects
255 9.4. Demonstrated Efficiencies and Further Optimization
257 9.5. Characterization and Measured Efficiencies
261 9.5.1. Irradiance Measurements
261 9.6. Outlook
262 9.7. Acknowledgement
264 References
10 Modelling Hysteresis in Perovskite Solar Cells
267 James M Cave and Alison B Walker 10.1. Introduction to Perovskite Solar Cells
267 Acknowledgements
277 References
277 Index 000.

This book provides the reader with a solid understanding of the fundamental modeling of photovoltaic devices. After the material independent limit of photovoltaic conversion, the readers are introduced to the most well-known theory of "classical" silicon modeling. Based on this, for each of the most important PV materials, their performance under different conditions is modeled. This book also covers different modeling approaches, from very fundamental theoretic investigations to applied numeric simulations based on experimental values. The book concludes wth a chapter on the influence of spectral variations. The information is supported by providing the names of simulation software and basic literature to the field. The information in the book gives the user specific application with a solid background in hand, to judge which materials could be appropriate as well as realistic expectations of the performance the devices could achieve.

9781119364207 (ePub) 9781119364191 (Adobe PDF) 9781119364214


Photovoltaic power generation--Mathematical models.

Electronic books

