Vitalis, Andre.

The uncertain digital revolution / Andre Vitalis. - 1 online resource - Computing and connected society set ; volume 1 .

Table of Contents
1. Technological Surveillance Subjected to Restrictions.

2. Security over Liberty.

3. A Network Promoting Participation and Exchange.

4. Privatization and Economic Exploitation of Personal Data.

5. Digitalization and Revolution.

5. Digitalization and Revolution. 1. Technological Surveillance Subjected to Restrictions.
2. Security Over Liberty.
3. A Network Promoting Participation and Exchange.
4. Privatization and Economic Exploitation of Personal Data.
5. Digitalization and Revolution.

About the Author
André Vitalis is Emeritus Professor at the University of Bordeaux-Montaigne. He is the author of several previous works on this subject.



Internet--Security measures.
Data protection.
Internet -- Social aspects.

Electronic books.
