Stump, J.B.

Science and Christianity : an introduction to the issues / J.B. Stump - xiv, 180 pages ; 22 cm.

Includes glossary and index

Acknowledgment vii Introduction xi 1 Conflict and Independence 1. Ways that science and Christianity might be related 2. Conflict 3. Independence 4. Two Books 2 Christianity and the Origin of Modern Science 1. The handmaiden of theology 2. Christianity?s role in the rise of modern science: Twentieth-century views 3. Recent developments 3 Secularization 1. Scientists and religious belief 2. Broadening the definition 3. A secular age 4 Young Earth Creationism and Intelligent Design 1. Setting the stage for Young Earth Creationism 2. Today?s Young Earth Creationism 3. Intelligent Design 4. Irreducible complexity and Information 5 The Bible 1. Two Books vs. sola scriptura 2. Interpretation 3. What kind of Inspiration? 4. Science and the Bible 6 Methodological Naturalism 1. Defining Methodological Naturalism 2. Duhem and the aims of Science 3. Methodological Naturalism and the Problem of Demarcation 4. Reasons for Abiding by Methodological Naturalism 7 Natural Theology 1. Classic Arguments of Natural Theology 2. Objections to Natural Theology 3. Natural Theology for the 21st Century 8 Cosmology 1. Big Bang Cosmology 2. Fine Tuning 3. The Multiverse 9 Evolution 1. Evolution and the Bible 2. Creation through Randomness and Death 3. The Uniqueness of Human Beings 4. Consonance between Evolution and Christianity 10 Divine Action 1. The Development of Deism 2. Miracles 3. Non-Interventionist Objective Define Action 4. Alternatives for Explaining Divine Action 11 Mind, Soul, and Brain 1. The Christian Tradition of the Soul 2. Descartes and Dualism 3. Challenges to Dualism 4. Cognitive Dualism 12 The Problem of Natural Evil 1. Articulation of the Problem 2. Some Potential Responses 3. A More Robust Theodicy 4. Eschatological Fulfillment Conclusion: The Last Things Timeline of Historical Figures Discussed Glossary Index


Religion and science.
